Short and sweet the answer to this is an ICC. This is an international standard that proves the ability to navigate recreational boats. Hence its name “International Certificate of Competency”.
We at SailOn offer all the tests, both practical and theoretical that approves your application for an ICC within a few weeks.
Theoretical Test:
Practical Test:
What is the ICC?
Norway has joined an international system that sets the international standards for the recreational boating licence. This system and standard makes it easier to document knowledge and capability to navigate the ocean and is recognized in other states.
Who needs an ICC?
The reason Norway joined the ICC System is because of the increase in norwegians traveling to other european countries and rent boats. Thus norway joining makes it easier for norwegians to rent boats through their “International Certificate of Competency”.
Is the Norwegian båtførersertifikat the same as International Certificate of Competency (ICC)?
No, the Norwegian båtførersertifikat give you legal permission to navigate a boat in Norwegian territory and does NOT require a practical test. The ICC on the other hand is a two part test. First it’s theoretical where you prove competence in terms of laws, buoys, lights etc. This practical requirement is also known as the “båtførerprøven”. Then a practical test, where you must prove to an instructor your practical knowledge of navigating a boat.
How do I get my ICC?
There are 3 criterias you have to meet to get your ICC.
- Passed the norwegian boat licence test (båtførerprøven)
- Passed a practical test of competency
- Self-declaration on health, which is on the application form
SailOn offers steps 1 and 2.
Which countries use the ICC System?
As of today the following countries have joined the ICC system: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa (not a member state), Switzerland the United Kingdom and Ukraine.
Its important to note that although a country does not officially recognize the ICC system, most countries do recognize it’s legitimacy in the holders competence of boat navigation.
How can I make sure my “International Certificate of Competence” is valid in the country I am going to?
If the country you are traveling to is not mentioned in the list above, you can search or contact the country’s authorities to see if they have a stand alone agreement with the ICC system. If you are renting from a rental company, then they should also have knowledge about the eligibility of the ICC as a documentation for navigational expertise.
The ICC is a great document of competancy to have wherever you travel in the world. It is the perfect certificate to make your ocean adventures more fun, relaxed, and safe as well as giving you the ability to take your next adventure to a completely different country, with new food, scenery, ocean, and people.
If you have any questions please contact us, and we will make sure to help you out.
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